The first time I became pregnant, the first thing I bought was the What to Expect® When You’re Expecting book. Sure, I wanted to buy clothes and other fun baby things, but I was CLUELESS as to what came next after that positive pregnancy test.
I was one of the first of my friends to be pregnant, so I needed all of the help I could get.
What to Expect® When You’re Expecting is the bestselling pregnancy book, recommended by moms and doctors. It’s actually spent 600+ record-breaking weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list!
And now, it’s completely new and has been revised.
I carried this book around like it was the Bible. I couldn’t put it down. I read chapters over and over again to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
I’ve had three children, and I read it throughout each pregnancy like it was the first time. You’ll be surprised what mommy brain can do to a woman.Here are 5 reasons I’m obsessed with this book:
- I love the ease of reading it. It’s not something you have to read in one sitting. It also has some of the best mom-to-be questions included. Even ones you might be too embarrassed to Google!
- I love that each week the size of your baby is compared to something of similar size. For instance, at week 7, your baby is the size of a blueberry!
- Fun pregnancy facts are peppered throughout each chapter. Be on the lookout for square boxes full of more interesting information. On page 253, it says scientists have found that pregnant women attract twice as many mosquitoes as non-pregnant women do. Who knew?
- Besides detailing each pregnancy month with what you may be feeling, the book also details what you can expect at your next doctor’s visit. Being armed with that information can help you better prepare for your appointment, that way you can have all of your questions ready before hand. That’s super helpful when you’re so tired you don’t even know what day it is!
- There’s a whole part of the book dedicated just for dads. Fathers are expecting, too! This section touches upon topics like feeling left out, surviving pregnancy mood swings and fathering fears. The section is short and sweet, making it perfect for dads to read through!
What to Expect® When You’re Expecting is packed with tons of useful advice, practical tips and everything you’ve ever wanted to know from the baby planning stages all the way through postpartum.
And once that sweet bundle of joy is here, you can start thumbing through a copy of What To Expect® the First Year. I remember adding it to my baby registry, so I had it ready to go once I got home from the hospital.

Here are each of my kids, in birth order, on the day we got discharged from the hospital. About to head home!
I just started reading the newest addition to the series, What To Expect® the Second Year, as my littlest guy just turned one a few weeks ago.
Did you read any of those books? What did you find most helpful?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.